This FULL-DAY event equips you with the tools to expand your influence as an industry expert through effective speaking and communication skills.




By Improv Team Culture

Speaker Line-up Coming Soon!

Become a compelling and

captivating communicator, and empower yourself to create positive impact in BUSINESSES and COMMUNITIES.

During this invigorating FULL-day summit, you will:

Communicate. Collaborate. Activate.

The CAPTIVATE - Leadership Communication Summit is for those seeking powerful presentation skills to expand your reach as an industry expert and stand out as a collaborative leader.

You have YEARS of professional (or entrepreneurial) experience and industry know-how and you are eager to use those skills more effectively to teach others and be in MORE CONTROL of your career path!

You will learn essential techniques for public speaking and how to develop compelling presentations while gaining confidence in how you guide your teams.

Plus! Network with like-minded individuals and seasoned professionals.

Aspiring speakers, business owners, and thought-leaders who understand the power of excellent communication to create lasting, positive impact in their industry MUST ATTEND.


Hear from industry experts who have presented at our Speaker Series LIVE Event by OVATION.


1-day Leadership Summit

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

8:15am - 5:15pm

at JUMP in downtown Boise Idaho


COMPELLING SPEAKERS: Experience unwavering support throughout this summit as you begin mastering the art of confidently articulating your expertise on every stage, leaving a profound impact as an influential and inspiring leader!

EXPERT PANELESTS: Hear from experts who are bringing a voice to important issues that affect business leadership, personal development, and the communities we live in.

EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING: Connect with presenters and fellow attendees with real-time application of tools through interactive components throughout the presentations.

UNLEASH YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS as you learn the key elements that create an authentic, vulnerable, and relevant style that will CAPTIVATE and INSPIRE.


I'm the creator and CEO of Improv Team Culture and Ovation Speaker Experience, as well as an improv specialist, award-winning author, and an award-winning comedian. It's my humble and enthusiastic honor to invite you to join me at Captivate Leadership Communication Summit.

Everyone has a story that drives their passion and purpose.

I have learned, through LOTS of trial and error (and taking BIG risks) that sharing parts of my most transformational and pivotal life stories from a deeply vulnerable space, even at business conferences, became the catalyst for WHY my professional skills truly mattered.

Sharing that "Heart Story" along with the HOW of my business tools is what literally brought my audiences to their feet in a STANDING OVATION.

I teach people how to link their true stories with actionable tools to create meaningful connections with their audience and begin a ripple of goodness.

I look forward to seeing you at CAPTIVATE!

CAPTIVATE - Leadership Communication Summit

FULL-day in-person Experience

On Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Early bird pricing is ON NOW - $249.00 until 10/13/2023

(Regular price $349.00)

--Lunch Included--


How do I know if this experience is right for me?

The YES AND SPEAKER ACCELERATOR is for you if you are ready to commit to yourself, your vision, and to creating your OWN timeline for success instead of waiting for "things to slow down."

This is for you if you are coachable, willing to put in the work, and truly recognize that speaking is the quickest way to build your authority in your area of expertise and real more people in a meaningful way. What is the time commitment?

What is the time commitment?

There is a minimum of 1 hour per week for the main weekly coaching call. Additional time for your personal work and guest speakers, plus pipeline-building sessions can vary. 

Plan on anywhere from 1-3 hours per week at minimum, and know that each speaker is different and when you start dialing in your speech and rehearsing, it may require MANY hours. 

Do you have any incentives if I refer a friend?

Yes! You will receive a $250 check in the mail for each friend you send our way.

What's on the agenda?

Megan's signature methods include the principles from improv comedy. You'll experience a mix of creativity-spurring exercises, performance methodology, and writing techniques as you unlock the elements of what makes your signature deliverable YOURS. It's a group dynamic with real-time feedback from Megan and your peers. 

YOU WILL LEAVE WITH the most powerful pieces to create your programming options with an understanding of how to define your audience and what you want to do for them. [Speak in front of groups? Teach companies as a consultant? 1:1 clients for coaching?] Each of these spaces have endless options, and you will leave this 12-week cohort with a commitment to yourself to USE the things you've assembled. 

PLUS - Megan invites in guest speakers to help you expand your journey, including how to write a book, how to build an effective speaker website, how to podcast, and other professional speakers to encourage you along the way.

How do I prepare for this?

I simply want you to take a bit of time to clear your mind of perceptions and expectations of what you THINK you need to do to be "ready." Show up. Open your mind. Be ready to work and create in real time. You will leave this event tired, and inspired. 

This sounds AWESOME - but I have another question!

Shoot us an email at

How many participants per cohort?

Each cohort is capped at 8 participants.

Listen to these members of the Founding Cohort of the OVATION Speaker Series LIVE event. The Speaker Series is a powerful step in creating a full-scale speaker kit for those passionate about obliterating their limits and amplifying their messages.

2023 OVATION Experience by Improv Team Culture